Report series on Trends in Regenerative Farming and Soil Carbon Sequestration now available!

Global interest in the role of regenerative agriculture and carbon farming continues to grow. There is deep interest in learning more about the potential of these approaches to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture and mitigate climate change risks. And there is deep interest in learning how these areas will be an opportunity, or a challenge, for companies and industries involved in global sourcing, supply chains and investment in food and agriculture.

Internationally, various mechanisms are being developed to provide financial and policy incentives for change, including soil carbon sequestration through the introduction of regenerative farming methods such as no-tillage and cover crops, and carbon credit generation through nitrous oxide suppression through nitrogen fertilizer reduction. Improved MRV (measurement, reporting and verification) technologies are being developed and tested in the market.

As companies expand their international business operations, they will be required to understand and  adapt to these changes. At the same time, these transformations in the global food and agriculture sector are being viewed as new business opportunities for companies who can provide products and services that support a transition to lower emission supply chains.  

Meros has created a three-volume report that gives an overview of the trends and developments in this sector. These reports are available as off-the-shelf reports or can be customized to suit the needs of specific companies.

Please contact us to discuss more! 

Volume 1: Trends in Regenerative Agriculture

  1. What is Regenerative Agriculture?
  2. Increased Usage of No-till Farming and Herbicide-resistant Seeds
  3. Incentive Mechanisms for Regenerative Agriculture and Private Sector/Financial Institution Initiatives
  4. Third-party Certification for Regenerative Agriculture
  5. Future Outlook for Regenerative Agriculture

Volume 2: Trends in Carbon Farming and Soil Carbon Sequestration

  1. What is Carbon Farming?
  2. Potential for Soil Carbon Sequestration in Agricultural Land
  3. Financial Incentives for Carbon Farming
  4. Carbon Pricing for Agricultural/Natural Sources
  5. Challenges and Future Outlook for Soil Carbon Sequestration

Volume 3: Private Sector and Government Initiatives in Carbon Farming (Focus on Europe and the United States)

  1. Private Sector Initiatives in Soil Carbon Sequestration
    • Certification Schemes for Agricultural Carbon Credits in Voluntary Carbon Markets
    • Private Company Marketplaces: Startup Initiatives
    • Private Company Marketplaces: Major Corporation Initiatives
  2. Government Initiatives in Soil Carbon Sequestration
    • U.S. Government Carbon Farming Initiatives and Subsidies
    • EU Government Carbon Farming Initiatives and the Carbon Removal Certification Framework
    • Australian Government’s ACCU Emissions Trading Scheme and Agricultural Carbon Credit Projects
  3. Future Outlook

If you are interested in how these trends may be impact your company in particular or how regulatory and market trends in regenerative farming, carbon sequestration and sustainable supply chains may impact your business, please reach out. Meros creates customized analysis and research to help in your business decision-making.

What are the hot topics in Japanese foodtech closing out 2023?

As 2023 draws to an end, three major foodtech topics Meros followed this year: the growing interest in circular economy, sustainability and Japan’s emerging cultivated meat sector, were all still front and center at the annual Foodtech Japan, Drink Japan and the Smart Restaurant EXPO at Tokyo Big Sight this month. Not only could we glean insights into where the Japanese market is focusing now, but we could also get a sense of what issues may be the hot food industry topics of 2024.

Circular economy and food loss

Initiatives and technologies utilizing ‘non-standard’ or discarded fresh produce are increasing. Projects are being seen everywhere, from large companies to start-ups. Meros has been working closely on food loss projects in the Japanese fresh food industry this year and so of particular interest to us was Astra Food Plan.

Astra Food Plan is a Japanese Series A start-up that uses superheated steam technology to dry food waste rapidly into powder. Astra Food Plan offers a range of examples, including lemons, onions, eggshells, and green tea leaves. Upon smelling the lemon vials, we were pleasantly surprised to discover a very strong smell of lemons, even in this powdered form, suggesting clear commercial applications.

A noticeable difference between Astra Food Plan’s idea and other circular economy-based products focusing on compost was that this is one of the dew start-ups focusing on upcycling and re-commercialization. Each dry food waste powder has tailored individual usages, taking into consideration their characteristics: the lemons for baking, the eggshells for high-end beauty products and green tea to mix with plastic, potentially to create rubbish bags that prevent odor. This diversity of potential commercial applications makes Astra Food Plan one we will continue to watch.

DX & the Japanese Labor Crisis

The reoccurring theme across all the events at the EXPO was DX (digital transformation), with many companies displaying AI-based products aimed at alleviating the strain placed on the food and beverage industry from Japan’s growing labor shortage.

There were certainly samples of the now-familiar delivery robots found in many Japanese restaurant chains – new prototypes of these ever cuter delivery robots were delivering boxed lunches to customers in the food court area of the event. However the more interesting innovation targeted automation for food manufacturing and central kitchens. For example, machines that automate the task of stir-frying were on display and may soon be found in industrial kitchens in Japan. Add the ingredients into this machine and it will then stir-fry the dish with no human help.

Sustainability: Including human rights and labor issues

Meros attended a number of seminars and a top topic was sustainability. For example, Ms Shihumi Takamori from Asahi Holdings Japan, producer of Japan’s #1 beer, presented on their domestic sustainability initiatives and policies and also discussed some of their challenges in this space. Seeing such major Japanese food companies taking center stage to speak bluntly about sustainability issues would have been rare just two years ago. But there is a growing movement among the major Japanese manufacturers to take global sustainability issues more seriously.  

A few takeaways from this seminar were:

  • The five pillars of Asahi’s sustainability global policy are environment, communities, responsible drinking, health and human rights.
  • Asahi has initiatives covering each sustainability pillar at each stage of their supply chain (sourcing, distribution, manufacturing and retail). For example, one of the issues of concern under human rights is the working conditions of truck drivers in their distribution system. An example initiative to address this is collaboration between Asahi, Kirin (Japan’s other giant brewery), and Japan Rail (JR) train services for distributing their beers. This kind of collaboration between companies (even rivals!) as well as effective use of the Japanese train system is likely to be of increasing importance, as the industry anticipates the shortage of truck drivers in Japan to become a ‘very hot’ topic in 2024.
  • However, Asahi Holdings feels there is still big differences between Asahi Japan and their international companies in terms of sustainability progress. Asahi has purchased numerous major beer brands in Europe, Australia and elsewhere in recent years and Takamori admitted that differences in sustainability policies and the progress towards sustainability goals within the Japan parent company and their international business is something they continue to tackle.

Cultivated meat in Japan

This has been a major area of interest to Meros this year, as we worked on several market assessments for international clients interested in Japan’s cultivated meat industry and also mentored the award-winning cultivated seafood start-up Forsea, as they explore Asian markets.

We were particularly interested in a seminar featuring the CEOs of two of the four main Japanese cultivated meat startups: Diverse Farm and Organoid Farm.

The key takeaways from Mr Jiro Ono, CEO of Diverse Farm and Ms Taeko Yamaki, CEO of Organoid Farm, included:

  • Cultivated meat is not yet commercially available in Japan but to create solid legislation for the manufacture and sale of cultivated meat, safety requirements, providing a sense of security (to consumers and stakeholders), licensing and labeling are the critical areas that must be agreed on.
  • There is still debate about the different factors and perspectives to consider when choosing which animal cell to cultivate. They cited research that suggests cultivated chicken meat actually has a carbon footprint 4% higher than conventional chicken, compared to the significant decrease in the carbon foodprint of cultivated beef (down by 92%) and pork (down by 52%). However when considering animal welfare, cultivated chicken has arguably the biggest improvement compared to conventional chicken.
  • The Japanese industry has a goal of harvesting over 1 ton of cultivated meat, but still faces significant challenges in scaling up.

Looking ahead

In 2024 Meros will continue to track the topics of circular economy, sustainability and the emerging cultivated meat industry in Japan.

We also expect to keep an eye out on the issue of shortage of truck drivers and other labor issues in the supply chain as well as follow the growing discussions on biodiversity as a critical aspect of sustainability initiatives. Meros, a co-founder of the Japan Impact Investing Network (J-IIN) will be holding a series of webinars on natural capital, including biodiversity in 2024 and we invite you to follow our page and the J-IIN page on LinkedIn for updates.

Come join Meros at the Asia-Pacific Agri-Food Innovation Summit, Singapore, October 31- Nov 2, 2023

We are incredibly pleased to be partnering with the Asia-Pacific Agri-Food Innovation Summit in Singapore, to be held October 31 – Nov 2, 2023. Our goal is help bring more perspectives and voices from Japan’s food and agriculture innovation scene into the lively debates in Singapore.

Join us there! We’ll be happy to introduce you to people we know or navigate all the events going on.

Meros has been attending this event every year since it started. It has become one of our favorite events in the region, because unlike a basic conference or expo, this summit emphasizes learning, debating and presenting on solutions to the most pressing issues facing our industry. It is a chance to ask questions. A chance to connect with potential partners. A chance to hear from the world’s leading agribusinesses, food brands, growers, entrepreneurs, and investors to discuss how technology and investment can be targeted to have the greatest impact on the agri-food value chain in the Asia-Pacific region.

We have seen a growing number of Japanese companies attending the Summit in the last few years. But we still feel there are so many perspectives and experiences from Japan’s agri-food and technology scenes that would valuable additions to the debates, from Japanese food industry innovations to seaweed farming and aquaculture to biostimulants and soil health.

This year’s event will cover agri-food tech, indoor agriculture and blue economy (aquaculture and ocean-based businesses). Key topics for 2023 include:

  • Decarbonisation: Carbon Footprint, Carbon Markets and Climate Mitigation in Agriculture
  • Food Security: Addressing Supply Chain Disruptions and Building Resilience
  • Digital Transformation: De-Risking Smallholder Farming with Agri-Tech and Agri-Fintech
  • Soil Health: Ensuring a Stable Supply of Biological Crop Protection and Nutrition
  • CEA Resource Efficiency: Driving Technology and Policy Innovation for Energy Resilience
  • Indoor Farming Genetics: Expanding the Supply Chain for Genetically Optimised Seeds
  • Nutrition and Health: Health Aging, Clean-Label, and the Gut-Brain Axis
  • Future of Proteins in Asia: Animal,Plant-Based, Microbial & Cell-Based Proteins
  • Blue Food Production: Accelerating Digitisation and Circular Systems in Aquaculture
  • Scale-Up Finance: New Investment Models Supporting Agri-Tech and Food-Tech 
  • Strategic Partnerships: Building Bridges for a Food-Secure and Crisis-Proof Food System
  • Ecosystem Building: Connecting the Dots across the Asia-Pacific Region

The Summit offers many events occurring simultaneously, so it works for different people’s topics of interest and networking styles. There are panels and discussions led by thought-leaders and industry experts, who give real world examples and cutting-edge insights on technologies, trends and recent business successes and failures.

But the Summit also consciously engineers many opportunities for spontaneous meetings with new people – networking events, small round table discussions, 1-to-1 networking spaces, bottomless coffee, start-ups pitch events and lunches featuring new food products from attending start-ups and companies. It makes it easy to strike up conversations with new people, from start-ups, food brands and agribusinesses, investors and R&D departments.

Why Singapore? Singapore is rapidly becoming the APAC hub of the agrifood innovation eco-system, spurred by the Singapore government’s ambitious “30 by 30” vision, which aims for 30% of Singapore’s nutritional needs to be produced locally by 2030, up from less than 10% today. But Singapore is also creating a supportive environment for entrepreneurship and innovation in the space (Meros has been blow away by the start-ups we have met and mentored through the GROW accelerator program in Singapore.) And the city’s access to regional markets makes it an attractive launchpad for new business in the region.  In short, Singapore is where many of the most influential discussions and product launches are being made today.

Join us!

Use our code MEROS10 for an extra 10% off or get in touch with us to learn more about how this dynamic event works.